Wir trafen Hannelore und Jonathan in El Palmar, nachdem wir mit beiden schon vorher viel Kontakt auf Instagram hatten. Unglaublich, dass man über Social Media so gleichgesinnte Menschen trifft. Umso mehr freuten wir uns, dass wir sie auch in Marokko wiedersahen. Damit mussten wir sie natürlich bitten uns für ein kurzes Vanlifer Interview in unserem E-Book über Nord Spanien, Portugal und Marokko ein paar Fragen zu beantworten. Hier findest du einen Ausschnitt davon. Das ganze Interview kannst du dann im E-Book nachlesen! Die beiden leben in ihrem Ford Transit L2H1 – gemeinsam mit ihrem kleinen Hund Shiva.
Hannelore Smout, 28y, Jonathan Bessemans, 28y, from Belgium & Shiba, our little doggy, 9y old.
How did you end up living in a Van. Tell us your story!
We bought a van and converted it so we could go on short surftrips with it. We were both working full time jobs and thinking about buying the house we lived in. Hannelore always wanted to travel the world after her studies. Looking into loans and all that, we realized this would limit our ability to travel, our freedom and maybe even ourselves. Once we decided not to buy a house, it became very clear what we were going to do.

How long are you on the road already, how long do you still have to go? are you just in the van seasonal or full time?
We are on the road since May 2018. So now that’s 11 months. In the summer we work in surfcamps and the rest of the year we travel around. We hope to keep this up as long as we enjoy it (financially and all that). Maybe we feel like settling on one of our favourite spots, maybe we feel like returning to Belgium, maybe we travel for the next 10 years. Who knows. It feels really good to have the liberty to decide what you want to do and when you want to do it.

How do you earn money, how do you survive? Do you work on the way, live from your savings?
Jonathan is a photographer and videographer. Hannelore used to work as a goldsmith but is focusing more on graphic design and social media management. In the summer we work for Flowtrack, a Belgian organisation of surf camps. Jonathan works here as a photographer and Hannelore is doing the office management. Last winter we lived from our savings. We’re trying to figure out how to do more freelance work on the road, so we can earn enough to get by. To be continued…
Warum sie Marokko für den Winter auswählten, ob sie ihren Bus selbst ausgebaut haben und was ihr absolutes Vanlife-Must-Have ist, das erfährst du im E-Book! Ihren Abenteuern folgen kannst du auf folgenden Seiten: Instagram:@just.passin.through @Hanneloresmout @janathanbessemans
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