camper vanlife interview kate iveco daily

Iveco Daily Kate Vanlife mit Katze

Kate, die ihr vielleicht unter dem Instagram Account @duvetdrive kennt, lernten wir in ihrer Heimat Portugal kennen, wo sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt full-time in ihrem Iveco Daily lebte. Hier adoptierte sie auch Cammi, ihre süße Katze. Wie sie dazu kam, was sie besonders bewegt und wie viel sie das Leben im Bus kostet, das lest ihr hier nach. Den Rest des Interviews gibt es wie immer in unserem E-Book nachzulesen.

Vanlifer Interview Camper Iveco Daily

How did you end up living in a Van. Tell us your story!

It all started when I decided to quit my job. It was not just like any other job, I founded my own tech company in Silicon Valley back in 2012. I lived a very busy lifestyle and when it was time to leave I figured I should try to really slow down in order to reset. A year ago a friend started talking about van life and I got hooked! Fast forward one year and I’m absolutely sure I made the right decision.

How long are you on the road already, how long do you still have to go? Are you just in the van seasonal or full time?

I’ve been a full-timer since September 2018 and the idea has always been to keep going for 12 months and then reassess. I’ve got until the end of the summer to figure out if I should keep going, stop, or find some kind of balance between both.

Camper Vanlifer Interview Iveco Daily

How do you earn money, how do you survive? Do you work on the way, live from your savings?

I live from my savings but wouldn’t keep going without working after the first year. Deciding to keep going would mean figuring out a way to make a living on the road.

How much money do you spend – average you would say – per week? (what does that include)

I’m guessing around 150€ a week for gas and groceries is a good estimate. These are the two things where I spend my money. I don’t eat out or pay for touristic attraction because I simply have no interest in that. I’m definitely living below my budget meaning I thought the lifestyle would be more expensive, when I started.

Camper Vanlife Interview Iveco Daily

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