Camper Interview Vanlife LTD Convoy minibus

Emily & Lloyd, LTD Convoy minibus

Lloyd und Emily kennen zu lernen war eine wahre Freude, wir waren gerade in Arbeit vertieft als ein Klopfen an unserer Buswand uns aus der Konzentration riss. “Ey, man, are you Salty Roamers?” Ganz verdutzt antworteten wir: “Yes, that´s us!” Nicht einmal 24h später wurden wir Freunde und freuten uns später im Jahr umso mehr, als wir die beiden in Salzburg herumführen konnten. Wie sie zum Vanlife kamen, welchen besonderen Bus sie fahren und was ihr absoluter Vanlife-Traum ist, das liest du in diesem Interview.

Camper Interview Vanlife LTD Convoy minibus innen

How did you end up living in a Van. Tell us your story!

Emily: We decided to go travelling, but didn’t know what that was going to look like in the end. We planned to go backpacking.

Lloyd: Pretty standard gap year, go backpacking.

Emily: And then we went on a hiking trip, after which I wanted to do a long distance hike, ie, The Pacific Crest Trail which is 2650 miles (4265 kms) and takes 6 months, so Lloyd started to plan that. A couple of months later, just before we were going to buy our tickets to America and all the gear, I was lying in bed scrolling through Instagram and a photo of a van lifer popped up. I turned to Lloyd and said: Hey, I just saw something, it looks amazing, let´s do that instead! Lloyd wasn’t too pleased after planning two trips already so said: Well if you wanna do that: you plan it, you organize it .. and that´s what I did.

Lloyd: So, here we are! Because you saw a really pretty picture of Vanlife on Instagram.

Camper Interview Vanlife LTD Convoy minibus innen 2
Camper Interview Vanlife LTD Convoy minibus küche

Do you miss anything?  You are building on the way as well, isn´t it?

Lloyd: Either shower or toilet. There are moments in the morning when you don´t want to look for a place to go to the toilet. Or also when you come from the beach and you wanna have a nice shower. When it comes to building – I think to make it more homely. Because we left before we even finished the Van. So yeah, we are building on the way still. So our focus was on finishing. We wanna get more plants.. make it more homely. That’s what I am looking forward to doing during the travel.

Emily: There is not a lot that I miss. I used to miss the convenience of the UK Supermarket system (laughs) which sounds silly, I just missed that you could pop to a shop, whilst now you have to plan you have to know what you are doing.”

Lloyd: I guess I miss computer gaming more! Gaming with friends! Forget the shower haha”

Emily: I think I just adapted quite well, there is no particular thing that I miss. It´s just part and parcel of living in a van.

Camper Interview Vanlife LTD Convoy minibus drehstuhl

Please introduce your van to us!

Flora, our Van, is 15 years old. She is an LDV Convoy minibus, born in 2004.” “So for your German readers: Not European make –  She is a purely British School/Postal Service/Council van. When we bought her, she had around 17.000 miles, she is now on 23.000 miles (comm: that is 27.358km and 37.014km). I worked it out – just a rough guide, that we would travel around 1000 miles per month, but we’ve decided to slow down a bit now.”

Emily: “Yeah, in our first two weeks we did 1000 miles.”

Lljoys: “So we’re thinking of slowing down a bit and doing half of Europe this year, half next year, rather than doing all of Europe in one year.

Camper Interview Vanlife LTD Convoy minibus gruppenfoto

Wie Emily und Lloyd ihr Geld verdienen und was es mit dem Drehstuhl auf sich hat, erfährst du in unserem Vanlife E-Book. Online findest du die beiden auf Instagram: @lloydandemily 

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